
Is the system scalable in the future?

SeaKite is the result of the work of enthusiasts (engineers, sales representatives, testers, etc.) and will of course evolve in the future in order to adapt to the various maritime developments and to the different ships on which it will be installed.

In the future, the system aims to be applicable to ships and cargo ships of all sizes in order to best meet the needs and issues of sustainable development.

In addition, further developments are to be expected. For example, from a mechanical point of view, evolutions can be envisaged on the furling system or the differential piloting system as well as on the different flight modes.

Finally, the performance of the SeaKite and its construction will be increasingly optimised in the future and it will be possible to use it with the same launching and piloting devices as today. The upgrade is therefore anticipated.

In addition, the performance of the Seakite and its construction will be further optimised in the future and can be used with the same launch and steering devices as today. The upgrade is therefore anticipated.